Business Consultants UK

Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution

Professionalisation offer qualified expert mediators, to settle civil and commercial disputes, avoiding expensive and difficult litigation.

Professionalisation Business Mediation:

Where we stand out from the crowd

Professionalisation Mediators:


Everything starts with
a conversation

Get in touch and speak to a qualified Mediator, who will answer your questions and advise on the best course of action.

Mediation Pack(s) purchased
(see below)

We have designed an agile mediation process that has the best chance of coming to an agreeable and sustainable resolution.

We apply our expertise
guiding you through the process

Your Mediator gets to work resolving the issues as swiftly and effectively as possible, and provides an independent assessment of the outcome


Each party is invited to purchase a Mediation Pack each,
allowing for
a full day to agree a resolution.


The party initiating mediation is invited to purchase a Mediation Pack,
allowing enough time to agree a resolution.

UK business consultant

At the end of the mediation service you will receive a draft Terms of Agreement, detailing who will take what action, by when and how completion of actions will be measured or evidenced. Once this is agreed, a Final Agreement is shared with the relevant parties involved.

In the rare event mediation cannot resolve the conflict, we provide a draft assessment of the progress made, allowing each party to comment on our assessment before providing a final version. This means that you will always have something positive to take away from the process.

Professionalisation Business Mediation is intended as a pre-‘legal action’ opportunity for parties to resolve issues in a formalised, professional environment.